Configuring MySql for your LAMA server and Visual Web Developer


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

MySql Connector .Net

MySql Connector/Net is the component that allows to talk to Mysql Databases.

You will need this connector to be installed on the machine that has Visual Web Developer installed.
The latest version of MySql Connector is 5.2. 

Download the Widows Binary (ZIP) file from MySql Website:

1.)Unzip and go thru the Installer.  When it is completed, we will have to add the Assembly file to the LAMA Server.

2.)Navigate to the MySql Connector/Net folder inside Program Files.  This is usually:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 5.2.1

3.)Navigate into the Binaries\.NET 2.0\ folder.

You should see a MySql.Data.dll file.

4.)Copy that file into your asp_net share on your LAMA server.

5.)Now use Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

6.)Change to the asp_net directory

cd /asp_net

7.) Run the gacutil to install the MySql Assembly into Mono’s Global Assembly Cache

sudo gacutil -i MySql.Data.dll

You should see:

Installed MySql.Data.dll into the gac (/usr/local/lib/mono/gac)


Setting up a MySql user for to use for web apps needs to have access to the MySql database for it’s web apps.  To allow this, we are going to setup a new user on the LAMA server.

1.) Use  Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

2.)Go into MySql.  You will need to know the root password if you set one during install.

sudo mysql -u root -p

It will ask for password, hit enter if you didnt use one

3.) From the Mysql command line, add a user for

CREATE USER ‘aspnet’ IDENTIFIED by ‘aspnetpassword’;

This creates an aspnet user with a password of aspnetpassword
*This is for testing / demonstration purposes only.  For securing your mysql database please see MySql’s website for more information.

4.) Now we need to grant privileges to the user

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO ‘aspnet’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY  ‘aspnetpassword’;

This grants all privileges to the aspnet user
*This is for testing / demonstration purposes only.  For securing your mysql database please see MySql’s website for more information.


Create a sample database

We will setup a simple database for testing.  We will make a simple phone book.

1.) Create the database,  from the Mysql command line type:


2.) Change to the testsite database

USE testsite;

3.) Create the phonebook table

CREATE TABLE `testsite`.`phonebook` ( `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `number` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL );

This will create a table (phonebook) with 2 fields: name, number

4.) Add a test record

INSERT INTO phonebook VALUES (‘John Doe’, ‘555-123-45678’);


One more thing about MySql:

By default MySql does not allow connections from outside computers.  They only allow connections from (localhost).

If you want to test your connections to MySql on your LAMA server from your development machine, you will have to make a change to your MySql configuration file.

To do this:

1.) Use  Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

2.) change directory to the Mysql configuration directory.

cd /etc/mysql

3.) Make a copy of your my.cnf file

sudo cp my.cnf old_my.cnf

4.) Open my.conf in your editor

sudo pico my.cnf

5.) find the following line and comment it out:

            bind-address =
            change to :
            #bind-address =

6.) ctrl-x to exit, Y to save the file

7.) restart MySql

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Security note: This opens up your MySql server to anyone.  Please take all necessary precautions before making your LAMA server live on the internet. You can learn more about MySql security from the MySql web site.

Next in tutorial .. Create a MySql test site

Configuring Apache on your Ubuntu LAMA Server for websites


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

Apache Web Server

During your install of Ubuntu 8.04 server, one of the install options was LAMP Server.  This installs Apache, Mysql and PHP. 

To setup Apache, we will adding a file to the apache sites-available directory on the LAMA server.

To get started:
Use Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

1.) Change to the Apache sites-avaliable config directory

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

2.) Add a file for your site

sudo pico testsite

3.)Pico will open a blank file.  Add the following to create a configuration entry for your site.

    Listen 81
    NameVirtualHost *:81
    <VirtualHost *:81>
    DocumentRoot /asp_net/testsite


This is a simple config, for more extensive configuration options, please see Apache’s Web site.

Apache will listen for requests on port 81, and will look in your asp_net folder.

4.) Now tell apache to load that site into its config.

sudo a2ensite testsite

This makes a link to this file, and puts it into the sites-enabled directory.

5.)Reload Apache

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload


Testing it out:

Now from your browser type:

http://{your LAMA server IP address}:81


You should see your site in Apache!


Next .. Getting your Asp.Net Mysql Setup

Using Microsoft’s Free Visual Web Developer to create LAMA ready sites


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005

Visual Web Developer is a free version of Visual Studio, that just does web projects.  For this tutorial we will be using VWD 2005, because it is .net 2.0 based, and Mono’s 2.0 base is very extensive – so most projects will work ‘out of the box’.

Using VWD along with your LAMA server is a great way to create and host websites for free!

Download from Microsoft’s Website.

Create a sample Asp.Net Project

Partial Class _Default

Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As ObjectByValAs System.EventArgs) HandlesMe.Load

Response.Write(“My LAMA Server is Working!”)

End Sub

End Class

3.) Run the project in VWD.  You should see My LAMA Server is Working!

C# or & Precompiling the Project

It seems that Mono has extensive support for C#.  So anything you write in C# should compile and run right in Mono.

VB is a different story.  It seems that the VB compiler for Mono is a bit behing the C# counterpart.  There is a way around this though, By pre-compiling your site.

Visual Web Developer does not include a precompilation tool for it’s web sites, but you can use the Precompilation tool. 
This tool is a simple GUI interface for the .net precompilation command line utility.

Note for users!!
You must precompile your website project for it to work successfully in your LAMA server. 

Click here to run the Precompiler



Copy your website into your LAMA shared folder

Once you have a simple project ready.  Copy it into the asp_net share on your LAMA server.

If you used the precompiler,  you can enter your LAMA server as the destintion path, and your compiled project will be copied right into your LAMA server.

1.) Open your network places and type: \\{your LAMA IP address}
You should see the asp_net folder

2.) Copy your project folder (\testsite) over to the asp_net folder

Now we will have to setup Apache on our LAMA server to see our site.

Next .. Configure Apache for Site


Configuring Samba on your Ubuntu LAMA Server


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

Samba File Server

During your install of Ubuntu 8.04 server, one of the install options was Samba File server.  This allows you to setup “shares” on your Ubuntu LAMA server for easy file transfer from your Windows machine.

To setup Samba, we will be making changes to the smb.conf file, samba’s configuration file.

To get started:
Use Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

First lets make a directory that we can share, and set the group and permissions

sudo mkdir /asp_net
sudo chgrp admin /asp_net
sudo chmod g+w /asp_net

Now onto our smb.conf file:

1.) It is always best to make a copy of your existing smb.conf file – just in case.

cd /etc/samba/


sudo cp smb.conf old_smb.conf

2.)Open the smb.conf in your favorite text editor.  We will use pico.

sudo pico smb.conf

3.)Put the following lines at the end of the smb.conf file,  This will setup simple permissions for the admin group of Ubuntu server.  For more information on Samba configuration, see Samba’s web site.

           comment = app folder
           path = /asp_net/
           read only = no
           valid users = @admin
           write list = @admin
           browseable = yes

4.) CTRL-X to close, Y to save the file

5.) Restart Samba

sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Setting up the User for Samba

Samba needs to know the password for your username.  This is the username that you setup during installation, by default Ubuntu puts your username in the admin group.

sudo smbpasswd {your username}

then it will ask you for your current password.

Then Samba should be ready.  To test, open up your network places and put \\{your-ubuntu-ip-address} in the address bar.

You should see asp_net folder.  Double click, and try to make a new folder in asp_net.
If you can, then you completed samaba configuration successfully.

If not check the smb.conf file for any mistakes, and restart samba. (sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart)

Next .. Setting up your Web Developer Studio for LAMA Sites


Installing Mono on your Ubuntu 8.04 LAMA Server


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

The Script has put together a script for you to help with your Mono source install.  With help fromSean’s Mental Walkabout Mono Script and some changes to make it Ubuntu specific.  This script will download all necessary software required to compile and install mono.

It will also download and install the mod_mono apache module, and setup your apache to recognize websites.

This script is specific to Ubuntu 8.04LTS. It may work on other Ubuntu verisions but has not been tested.

To get started:
Use Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

Run the following commands from the Ubuntu command line:

1.)Download the script from

sudo wget

2.) Run the script

sudo sh

This will start alot of commands.  You will have to watch it for the first few minutes to tell the package manager to download needed packages.

When it is done downloading packages, it will go out to the internet and download the source files and compile.  This will take some time.  

At the end of the script, you should have a complete working LAMA server.


Next in tutorial: .. Setting up Samba File sharing to copy your windows files to your LAMA server