Installing Mono on your Ubuntu 8.04 LAMA Server


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

The Script has put together a script for you to help with your Mono source install.  With help fromSean’s Mental Walkabout Mono Script and some changes to make it Ubuntu specific.  This script will download all necessary software required to compile and install mono.

It will also download and install the mod_mono apache module, and setup your apache to recognize websites.

This script is specific to Ubuntu 8.04LTS. It may work on other Ubuntu verisions but has not been tested.

To get started:
Use Putty to connect to your LAMA server.

Run the following commands from the Ubuntu command line:

1.)Download the script from

sudo wget

2.) Run the script

sudo sh

This will start alot of commands.  You will have to watch it for the first few minutes to tell the package manager to download needed packages.

When it is done downloading packages, it will go out to the internet and download the source files and compile.  This will take some time.  

At the end of the script, you should have a complete working LAMA server.


Next in tutorial: .. Setting up Samba File sharing to copy your windows files to your LAMA server


Getting your Ubuntu Server Hardy Heron installation Ready


This is part of the LAMA – Best of all worlds tutorial
LAMA Tutorial Home Page

Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS

Ubuntu just released thier newest version,  8.04 LTS.  This is what we are going to use for our LAMA server.
Download Ubuntu Server from Ubuntu’s Web Site

It will be an ISO image.  Burn this ISO to a CD.

If you dont have a spare computer around, but still want to test out your LAMA server,  download 
VMware Server, free edition from VMware Server Site and install Ubuntu 8.04 server in a virtual server. 

Please see Ubuntu’s site for System requirements for your hardware.

Install Options
During your install of Ubuntu,  you will be asked many questions.  Most of them are self-explanitory.  When it asks about what features you want with your server install choose:
-Lamp Server (Installs Apache, Mysql, and PHP)
-OpenSSH Server (For connecting remotely to your server via Putty)
-Samba File Server (To copy files easily from Windows to your Server)


Setting up Mono and Apache for

To get to the latest version of Mono, we are going to install Mono from source and compile.  Scary?  No.  Not with these simple steps. Just follow the steps, it does take some time to compile, but you will get thru it.

Once you have your install of Ubuntu 8.04 server ready, click to the next page to get started with the Mono Installation.

Next .. Installing Mono onto your LAMA Server