Smallest i7 Laptop – 2011 Laptop Guide

A couple years ago I ditched my full power laptop for the likes of a Netbook.  I didn’t want the size and heft of practically a full PC in my backpack, so I went little, and my patience took a beating for it!

I love the little laptop, but I need full power so I don’t go crazy!  So I went searching around for a laptop that was really small – some would call this an ultraportable, and a laptop that had plenty of power to get the job done.  I also did not want to spend more than $1000! 

Enter the Acer Aspire TimelineX.  This is one of the smallest laptops that carry the i7 Intel chip.  It comes ready to do all the work you want to do, filled to the gills with specs that are on par with any full featured laptop.

One of the best specs with this laptop was the battery life.  It is spec’d out to get a full 8 hours of battery life from one charge! 

It is sleek and very small with an 11.6 inch screen.  This baby is pretty much a netbook sized powerhouse, perfect for those on the go.

All the reviews around the net are totally positive for this laptop.  From those ready to buy a 11.6 Mac Airbook, to those looking for a ultra convienient travel laptop.  They all rave at the great size and power of this laptop.

It comes with one of the best ultra-portable keyboards around.  The keys are nearly full size, and have plenty of space in between.  The mouse supports finger and swipe gestures for zooming and navigating, similar to much more expensive laptops.

It comes standard with VGA, HDMI, USB and Ethernet ports right on the machine.  No need for expensive converter dongles, this laptop is ready to hookup to anything you need.

This has been one of the best deals that I have seen on an I7 Laptop of this size.

If you are in the market to find the smallest i7 laptop for 2011, then look no further than this baby here.  It’s small, but packs a powerful punch.  The best part is that it will not break the bank!


Creating Needed Installers for Windows Services

This is not the Actual “Installer”. This is code needed for the Service to operate correctly.

We will get to Installing Later…

Add the Installer Code:

Create a new class file in your project and call it ProjectInstaller.


We wil replace the text in the ProjectInstaller class with the following code:

Version:0.9 StartHTML:0000000100 EndHTML:0000012095 StartFragment:0000000100 EndFragment:0000012095

1 Imports System.ComponentModel

2 Imports System.Configuration.Install


4 <RunInstaller(True)> Public Class ProjectInstaller

5 Inherits System.Configuration.Install.Installer

6 ‘Installer overrides dispose to clean up the component list.


8 <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _

9 Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

10 Try

11 If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then

12 components.Dispose()

13 End If

14 Finally

15 MyBase.Dispose(disposing)

16 End Try

17 End Sub


19 ‘Required by the Component Designer

20 Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer


22 ‘NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Component Designer

23 ‘It can be modified using the Component Designer.

24 ‘Do not modify it using the code editor.


26 <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _

27 Private Sub InitializeComponent()

28 Me.ServiceProcessInstaller1 = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller

29 Me.ServiceInstaller1 = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller


31 ‘ServiceProcessInstaller1


33 Me.ServiceProcessInstaller1.Account = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.LocalSystem

34 Me.ServiceProcessInstaller1.Password = Nothing

35 Me.ServiceProcessInstaller1.Username = Nothing


37 ‘ServiceInstaller1


39 Me.ServiceInstaller1.ServiceName = “NewService1”

40 Me.ServiceInstaller1.StartType = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode.Automatic


42 ‘ProjectInstaller


44 Me.Installers.AddRange(New System.Configuration.Install.Installer() _

45 {Me.ServiceProcessInstaller1, Me.ServiceInstaller1})

46 End Sub


48 Friend WithEvents ServiceProcessInstaller1 As _

49 System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller


51 Friend WithEvents ServiceInstaller1 As _

52 System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller


54 Public Sub New()

55 MyBase.New()


57 ‘This call is required by the Component Designer.

58 InitializeComponent()


60 ‘Add initialization code after the call to InitializeComponent


62 End Sub

63 End Class


This will create the ProjectInstaller class and insert 2 Objects in the designer:


ServiceInstaller1 – Settings: The Service Name, Display Name, description, StartType

ServiceProcessInstaller – Settings: The Account the service will run under


In this example, the settings are set as follows:

ServiceName: NewService1

DisplayName: {blank} 
Description: {blank} 
StartType: Automatic – (will auto start on reboot) 
Account: LocalSystem – (do not need user/password. This will run under System account)


Now we have to build the project.

Services Part 3:>  Build and Install your Service


Creating Services with VB Express


Visual Basic Express is a great, free tool from Microsoft.   You don’t get all that Visual Studio 2005 offers though.  One of the things VB Express does not have is templates to create a Windows Service.  

We can still make Services with VB 2005 Express.  All it takes is a little manual work.  I will walk you thru a example on how to make a service in Visual Basic Express.


Choose Console Application, and give it the name of NewService1.



It will open in the designer with a module. Rename the module to NewService1.

Now we have to get some references for our Service. In the solution Explorer, double click on My Project and choose the References tab. 

We need to Add the following references: 


Now back to the NewService1 Module. We will be replacing all the text in the module, thus turning it into a class. Replace all the text with the text below:

1 Imports System.ServiceProcess

2 Imports System.Configuration.Install


4 Public Class NewService1

5 Inherits System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase

6 Friend WithEvents Timer1 As System.Timers.Timer


8 Public Sub New()

9 MyBase.New()

10 InitializeComponents()

11 ‘ TODO: Add any further initialization code

12 End Sub


14 Private Sub InitializeComponents()

15 Me.ServiceName = “NewService1”

16 Me.AutoLog = True

17 Me.CanStop = True

18 Me.Timer1 = New System.Timers.Timer()

19 Me.Timer1.Interval = 6000

20 Me.Timer1.Enabled = True

21 End Sub


23 ‘ This method starts the service.

24 <MTAThread()> Shared Sub Main()

25 ‘ To run more than one service you have to add them to the array

26 System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() _

27 {New NewService1})

28 End Sub


30 ‘ Clean up any resources being used.

31 Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

32 MyBase.Dispose(disposing)

33 ‘ TODO: Add cleanup code here (if required)

34 End Sub


36 Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)

37 ‘ TODO: Add start code here (if required)

38 ‘ to start your service.

39 Me.Timer1.Enabled = True

40 End Sub


42 Protected Overrides Sub OnStop()

43 ‘ TODO: Add tear-down code here (if required)

44 ‘ to stop your service.

45 Me.Timer1.Enabled = False

46 End Sub


48 Private Sub InitializeComponent()

49 Me.Timer1 = New System.Timers.Timer

50 CType(Me.Timer1, _ System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()


52 ‘Timer1


54 Me.Timer1.Enabled = True

55 CType(Me.Timer1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()

56 End Sub


58 Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _ System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed

59 Dim MyLog As New EventLog() ‘ create a new event log

60 ‘ Check if the the Event Log Exists

61 If Not MyLog.SourceExists(“NewService1”) Then

62 MyLog.CreateEventSource(“NewService1”, “NewService1 Log”) ‘ Create Log

63 End If

64 MyLog.Source = “NewService1”

65 MyLog.WriteEntry(“NewService1 Log”, “It is running”, EventLogEntryType.Information)


67 ‘disable the timer so you dont fill up the log

68 Timer1.Enabled = False

69 End Sub


71 End Class


This will create the NewService class and insert a Timer into your designer. 
If you Double-Click on the NewService1 in the SolutionExplorer, you will see the designer and the Timer1 object. 

This code will run after 6 seconds has passed, and will insert a log entry for our service saying “ It is running”. 

We need to set the Service Name in the Designer: 

Double click on NewService1 to get the gray page. Then click somewhere in the grey to get the properties for this class. 

Under ServiceName put NewService1.



Services Part 2:>  Creating the needed Installers



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Precompiling your Visual Web Developer Projects

For more information about LAMA servers, checkout:
LAMA – Best of ALL worlds tutorial


Precompiling Web Projects
Visual Web Developer – Microsoft’s free version of Visual Studio, is a great tool to create quality Sites.  VWD being free- does not include all the tools that Visual Studio does. In this case VWD does not include the option to precompile your web project.

Why Precompile?
Well – there are a couple reasons.  First, to remove all code in your project and place it in compiled DLL’s.

This may be a good option for those who host on a shared server.  That way your code is not placed in plain text on the server for others to see.

Next, to save server resources.  The first hit on the server is when the project is compiled.  If you precompile, then it saves those resources by not having to compile on the server.

Lastly, Mono’s vb compiler for Linux is a few steps behind the C# compiler.
If you have a LAMA server,  and like to use VB as your language.  You can precompile your site to ensure that it will work correctly.

Use The Precompiling tool!
You can use this handy GUI to precompile your websites. Precompiler

NOTE: This is a ClickOnce Program, you may have to use Internet Explorer or Firefox to open it from the website.